
Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs)

Fisheries local action groups in Estonia

Fisheries local action group cooperation activities from EMFF in Estonia

Support for the implementation of cooperation project may be granted to FLAG from European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the following operations. We have received the input also from FLAGs strategies.

FLAGs should also consider the following: Supported activity must meet at least one of the objective in Article 63 (1) of EU 508/2014 and has to be in compliance with the community led local development strategy.

Cooperation principles

Who can ask support and how big is the budget?

Who may be the partner of the FLAG?

What is important to know for partners?

Partner must sign a cooperation agreement (FLAG submits it with the project application to the intermediate body). Agreement consist parts like the duration of a project, a description of a current situation, objectives, place where the project is implemented, distribution of tasks between partners, budget, etc. Duration of the cooperation project can be maximum 3 years. FLAG cannot do investments in infrastructure (not eligible according to our national legislation), equipment is eligible for FLAG up to 2000 eur per project.