FAMENET: Kogukonna juhitud kohalikku arengut (CLLD) eestvedavate sidusrühmade, korraldusasutuste ja riiklike võrgustike aastakohtumine

FAMENETi korraldatud

kogukonna juhitud kohalikku arengut (CLLD) eestvedavate sidusrühmade, korraldusasutuste ja riiklike võrgustike aastakohtumine
(Annual Stakeholder Meeting and meeting of Managing Authorities and National Networks in charge of CLLD)
toimub 22. ja 23. novembril 2022 Brüsselis.

Kohtumise sihtrühm, põhiteemad, registreerumisteave ja ajakava on ingliskeelsena leitavad allpool.

The event will focus jointly on two stakeholder groups:
• EMFF/EMFAF Managing Authorities and stakeholders involved in EMFF/EMFAF implementation
• Managing Authorities and National Networks in charge of CLLD under the EMFF/EMFAF

Please be sure to register for the event by 28 October 2022 using this link; participants must register in order to attend.

About the event
The topics of the meeting include:
• improving understanding of the Blue Economy
• supporting the development of the EMFAF evaluation plans and the monitoring systems
• improving the design of CLLD delivery systems and promoting FLAG cooperation
There will also be an opportunity to get to know the new FAMENET team members in a physical setting and discuss the specific implementation issues of individual member states through trilateral meetings with DG MARE desk officers.




Viide antud sündmusele: http://www.kalateave.ee/et/component/events/?view=event&event_id=1671

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