Uurimused ja uuringud

Aquaculture in Estonian Marine Waters. Basic Data and Studies (Kalanduse teabekeskus, 2020)

Valmis ingliskeelne tõlge koondülevaatest "Vesiviljelus Eesti merealal: alusandmed ja uuringud".

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This analysis summarises the existing data and background knowledge about aquaculture (cultivation fish, mussels and macroalgae) in the Estonian marine waters. In addition, an overview of current research directions in aquaculture is presented. The paper also provides a synopsis on initial procedures that need to be followed in order to start new marine and freshwater fish and algal and mussel farms. This overview is expected to facilitate the first steps for those entering the sector and provide necessary guidance for individuals and companies interested in starting aquaculture business. The plausible future of aquaculture is also briefly discussed, in particular in the context of the forthcoming Agriculture and Fisheries Development Plan up to 2030.


University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute
Tartu 2020

Jonne Kotta, Georg Martin, Redik Eschbaum, Robert Aps, Liisi Lees, Risto Kalda


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